أنظمة مناولة السائبة

 Sphinx conveyor belts come in various types to meet the needs of different industries. Here are some of the main types of Sphinx conveyor belts:

Flat Conveyor Belts: These are used to transport light and flat materials, such as packages and small products, on straight surfaces. This type is common in food industries and logistics services.

Inclined Conveyor Belts: Designed for moving materials to higher or inclined levels, they are equipped with features that prevent slipping. They are used in heavy industries and production lines that require transporting materials between different floors.

Curved Conveyor Belts: These belts are used for transporting materials along curved or circular paths, making them ideal for tight or complex spaces.

Wire Mesh Conveyor Belts: These are designed for transporting hot materials or materials that need ventilation. They are commonly used in the food industry for cooling or drying processes.

Enclosed Loop Belts: These are used for transporting bulk materials such as grains or powders, with a design that ensures the materials remain contained within the loops without spillage.

Rubber Surface Belts: Offering high friction resistance, these belts are used to transport uneven or slippery materials.

Each type of conveyor belt serves different purposes depending on the type of materials being transported and the operating conditions, whether in heavy or light industries.

Bulk Handling Systems